What Impact Does Your CBD Routine Have on Your Sleep-Wake Cycle?

Many people experience sleep issues, but did you know that your CBD routine can have a positive impact on them? CBD is often used to improve sleep because it affects the sleep-wake cycle. It can provide relief whether you have trouble falling asleep or often wake up during the night. In this blog, we explain how CBD oil can help you sleep better.


Your Circadian Rhythm and Your CBD Routine

Your own internal clock is something you might not think about often. Yet, you get tired at a certain time each day and wake up in the morning (sometimes with the help of an alarm). Your circadian rhythm is your internal clock that spans about 24 hours. This clock regulates your mental and physical processes and is controlled by a small area in the hypothalamus of the brain.

This inner rhythm determines when you start to feel sleepy, coinciding with sunset. This is also why you feel more awake in daylight. The light-sensitive cells in your eyes send signals to the hypothalamus, keeping you in sync with the Earth’s day and night cycle. That’s why it’s usually hard to sleep in on weekends; your natural rhythm wakes you up at about the same time each day.

However, you can experience sleep issues, disrupting your circadian rhythm. Many people suffer from this, struggling to fall asleep, sleep through the night, or waking up too early. Often, this is caused by stress, anxiety, or using smartphones or other screens in bed. These sleep issues can hinder your daily functioning. Fortunately, a smart CBD routine can address these sleep problems.


How Your Sleep-Wake Cycle Affects Your Body

Your sleep-wake cycle is important not only for good sleep but also for your overall functioning. Your natural rhythm plays a role:

  • Metabolism: Your natural rhythm essentially determines how your body functions, including influencing your metabolism and digestion. It also makes you feel hungry around the same time each day.
  • Temperature Regulation: Your body temperature fluctuates throughout the day, which is also tied to your sleep-wake cycle.
  • Hormone Production: Many body hormones, such as melatonin and cortisol, follow the natural rhythm.
  • Your heart rate also follows your body’s internal clock.

A disrupted sleep-wake cycle can significantly affect your functioning, energy levels, and mood. It can lead to mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorder. Understandably, a disrupted sleep rhythm can cause sleep disorders, such as insomnia and parasomnia. Working night shifts can also disrupt your natural rhythm, making you feel overly tired during the day but unable to sleep at night. Additionally, research suggests that sleep issues may contribute to metabolic problems, such as obesity and diabetes.


Your CBD Routine and Your Sleep-Wake Cycle

There are several ways CBD oil can help with disruptions in the circadian rhythm. The question is, how can CBD influence the biological clock? CBD is a cannabinoid that can interact with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is tasked with regulating various bodily processes, including sleep.

Research shows that CBD can help improve the duration and quality of sleep. For example, CBD can influence the release of cortisol. Normally, cortisol levels rise in the morning, helping you wake up. But if your sleep rhythm is off, cortisol levels remain too high at night. CBD can regulate the release of this hormone, helping you sleep better.

Melatonin is also crucial for your biological clock. It promotes a feeling of sleepiness in the evenings, making it easier to fall asleep. CBD oil stimulates the release of melatonin.

Light Sensitivity

There is also research suggesting that CBD may affect how the retina functions and our eyes’ sensitivity to light, especially natural light. If our CBD routine makes us more sensitive to daylight, this could influence the circadian rhythm. However, more research is needed in this area.


Your CBD Routine for Better Sleep

As you can see, CBD can contribute to a healthy sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythm. But it’s also good to think about when you take CBD, so plan your intake to improve your sleep.

How quickly CBD works depends on factors like your metabolism, your sensitivity to the substance, and the type of CBD product you use. Generally, you’ll benefit most from this natural substance if you take it before sleeping. You’ll enjoy its calming properties, helping you relax and fall asleep. For chronic sleep issues, it’s advisable to take CBD regularly (daily).

Which CBD Product Is Most Suitable? Whether you choose CBD oil, CBD tablets, or CBD edibles, they all work the same. It’s all about what fits your lifestyle. If you like to eat or drink something before bed, opt for a CBD edible, like a CBD Hot Chocolate Spoon or one or more CBD Candy Tablets. CBD oil has the advantage of being quickly absorbed and acting fast. Whatever you choose, we hope CBD helps you enjoy a wonderful, deep, and restful sleep.


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