Performance Of Older Employees Improves With Medicinal Cannabis

More good news from scientific research. With the legalisation of cannabis in more and more places in the world, this medicine is becoming increasingly available. And the number of researches into the effects of medicinal cannabis is growing. Because of this, there’s some more good news, from the US this time.

Study Of Older Employees

When we get older, the greater the chance you’ll get some ailments. At the same time people are getting older these days, so it’s expexted we stay on the job longer. This seems to be a big problem, but is that really the case? Long-term study in over 100.000 over-50s has shown that they feel better when they use medicinal cannabis. And that they call in sick less frequently. So they grow older in a more energetic and vital way.

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Medicinal Cannabis: Before And After Legalisation

The research took ten years and it was carried out by the American states where medicinal cannabis is legalised. In these states, cannabis is prescribed to patients who suffer from these four health problems: glaucoma (too much pressure in the eyeball), arthritis, chronical pain and cancer. People with these disorders or diseases all suffer from pain. Using cannabis after the legalisation as a pain killer, is an improvement for these people. The number of times people report pain has decreased with almost 5%. And the number of people that said to be healthy of even very healthy increased with 6,6%!

It’s High Time The Health Insurer Makes A Financial Contribution To Medical Cannabis

This research is yet another proof that a weird choice is made in The Netherlands. Here too, people can obtain cannabis legally with a prescription. However, a couple years ago, they decided that the health insurance didn’t have to cover it anymore. There were two arguments given. They said there wasn’t enough proof of the benefits. Furthermore, the costs were too high. Now we know both arguments are false. People do benefit. Moreover, people call in sick less. And we all know that if something comes at a high cost, it’s a sick employee. Doesn’t it?

Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190319121750.htm

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