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Does CBD Help You Poop Better?

Of course this title has a funny undertone. But people who have intestinal problems encounter very unpleasant problemss every day. Fortunately, CBD and bowel movements appear to be positively related. In fact, many people use CBD because it could have a positive effect on bowel movements. In other words, they can poop better. We get to the bottom of the matter to answer this pressing question.

CBD And Bowel Movements

If you for example suffer from the Leaky Gut Syndrome or the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, this will seriously influence your daily life. The Leaky Gut Syndrom means that your bowel leaks substances it shouldn’t leak. On the contrary, the Irritable Bowel Syndrome means a chronical suffering from pain and inflammations. Lucky for us, recently published articles in both ‘Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research’ and ‘Advanced Research in Gastroenterology & Hepatology’ claim that CBD is effective in treating these conditions.

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CBD Helps Counter Infections

CBD oil is now generally recognised as anti-inflammatory. So it’s very likely that CBD could also be beneficial in case of intestinal disorders and problems with the digestive system. If this would really be the case, clearly that would be fantastic news. A big part of our health starts in our bowels. Here is how CBD could help:

Good Health Starts In Your Bowels

Back in the day, everyone thought that your bowels just absorb the nutrients from your food and make pee and poo from the remains. Today we know better. Research has shown that our bowels contain a large part of the microbiome. This consists of ‘a million billion’ micro-organisms that live in and on our body. The microbiome is therefore the basis of our physical and mental health. Parts of the microbiome communicate through transmitters directly with our brain. Conversely, it’s also true that you can have diarrhea when you are very nervous.

Concluding: a lot of people use CBD oil to settle their bowels. This works because the cannabinoids directly influence – parts – of the microbiome. CBD helps to calm down the neurotransmitters, so to speak. If CBD works with bowel problems, it should also be helping to keep healthy bowels healthy, right?


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