SupMedi Amsterdam Helps Volksbond Keep Our City Healthy
30 July 2020There are moments when your health needs a bit of a boost. Sometimes, though, that little extra is necessary to stay healthy together. This week SupMedi Amsterdam helps where it is possible. We got a chance to help our city tackle the corona crisis. A spontaneous co-op with the City Council and the Volksbond foundation allowed us to share out a truckload of food and drinks among Amsterdam’s most vulnerable people. It feels good to do our share at a time when all our fellow citizens can use a bit of healthy support. Time to show we appreciate our SupMedi Amsterdam roots!

Giving Back To The City That Made Us
We all worry about the virus, but there’s no denying that some people are more vulnerable to a health crisis than others. Their constitution may be weaker, for instance. They could also be in a worse position to defend themselves from an ‘enemy’ that is all around us. At this time of crisis, we all notice that nobody can hide from the problems at hand. It exposes how fragile we all are, together. The thought can be frightening. On the other hand, the realisation can bring out the best in the people around us. You can feel it in the air: people are starting to look after one another. That’s why we were happy when officials at Nieuw-West City Council linked us up with the Amsterdam Volksbond organisation. A great opportunity to give something back to the city that made us what we are!
Courageous, Resolute, Compassionate – The City Motto Of Amsterdam
It may not be the first thought to cross your mind while you take your own measures against the new coronavirus. But what if you were homeless right now? Imagine what living on the streets would do for your health. What if you had nobody to turn to when you get sick, or when you feel lonely and miserable? If you find yourself in that situation, you need all the help you can get from organisations like the Amsterdam Volksbond Foundation. Now more than ever. Our government pointed out that the nation is counting on our cooperation. It’s great to watch the city join forces to help vulnerable groups such as the homeless and the displaced. In a city that proudly claims “Heroic, Resolute, Compassionate” as its motto, what else can you do? SupMedi Amsterdam helps when it’s possible!

A Tribute To Our SupMedi Amsterdam Roots
By the time our Volksbond contact Mohamed arrived, we had quite the selection of goods waiting for him. From peanut butter to rice and from canned vegetables to our own kombucha drinks: Mohamed was all set to share out a truckload of healthy support for body and mind where it is needed most. The destination is our own trusted Nieuw-West City District. Even here, just around the corner, people depend on their neighbours – just like everywhere else. All help is welcome, whether it comes from the lady next-door, local entrepreneurs, or organisations like the Volksbond.

SupMedi, Amsterdam’s Natural Health Provider
On behalf of the SupMedi team, we want to thank the City of Amsterdam for connecting us with this great initiative. We wish the people at Volksbond and all those other organisations all the best for their work in this corona crisis. Even though caring for health is in our nature, it just feels better if we team up to help our fellow Amsterdam citizens! If you want to know what you can do in these troubled times, check for local initiatives online – there’s always some way to do your share!
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