How CBD Can Change Your Pet’s Health For The Better!
31 July 2020As an observant pet owner, you cannot ignore it: sometimes you can see the health and mood of your dog, cat or other type of pet deteriorate. This can happen even after you have given them a pharmaceutical drug, but the situation does not change. In fact, sometimes regular medications just make pets sicker, or have unwanted side effects. Fortunately, cannabidiol (CBD) can help your furry friend. How does that work? Can you safely give CBD to your pet? This article takes a closer look at the effects of CBD for pets.
CBD For Pets: How It Works
As of the moment, it isn’t yet clear how exactly CBD works in the bodies of pets. Unlike in humans where scientists know CBD interacts with the Endocannabinoid System to offer its possible benefits, most of them believe CBD works in pets by getting metabolized by the liver.
Is CBD For Pets Safe?
According to the World Health Organization, CBD is a safe, natural compound, especially when it’s in a pure state. However, THC is a toxic compound when given to pets. That said, it is fantastic to ensure that the CBD product getting administered to your dog or cat has the least amounts of THC.
How To Administer CBD To Your Pets
Just like there is a myriad of CBD products for human consumption, inventors came with CBD products tailored explicitly for pet consumption. Those comprise:
- CBD chewable tablets
- CBD edibles
- Pet sublingual CBD oil
- CBD topicals.
So, How Can CBD Improve My Pet’s Health?
We know that that query is ringing in your mind. Pet owners and researchers unanimously agree that CBD can:
1. Combating Osteoarthritis
A 2018 study from PubMed done to establish whether Cannabidiol can treat osteoarthritic dog shows that 80% of those dogs had improved mobility and eased pain at the end of the study. CBD, also being an anti-inflammatory compound, can help in reducing arthritis inflammation and its associated pain.
2. CBD Can Reduce Mental Disorders In Pets
Pets, just like humans suffer from anxiety, depression, and stress. These conditions can get brought about by different factors, but it is excellent when the pet owner weeds out the trend from the pet before the situation becomes unbearable.
The good news is that your pet could recover from any of these conditions through the merits of CBD Supplements. If your pet becomes more aggressive, or starts to develop odd behaviors like chewing on furniture, barking and squealing, or other stress-related behaviors, keep in mind that a CBD dosage might be the natural treatment you are looking for.
3. CBD Can Slow Tumor Growth
It is beneficial to keep often checking your pet’s health and behavior. When there are instances of tumor growth, it should dawn on you that taking a stealth action is necessary. From the different pieces of research, Cannabidiol has proven to be a primal compound in inhibiting tumor growth, and primarily when it gets used at the earliest moment of detection.
If the pet is under chemotherapy, CBD can also be a fantastic compound to subdue the effects that come due to the medication.
4. CBD Promotes Body Balance
Researchers praise CBD for its potential to enhance homeostasis among pets. Now that CBD proves to be an excellent compound for stimulating the homeostatic effect in the pets’ bodies, they can then live better and healthily.
How Much CBD Can I Give To My Pet?
Well, the dosage varies. It is dependent on the metabolism rate of the pet, the size of the dog and its age. That said, it is critical to liaise with a veterinary officer to help you in determining if a CBD dosage is the best for the pet’s body and the right amounts for it to have nourished health. You can also use a CBD dosage calculator for cats and dogs to determine the right dosage.
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6065210/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21220494?dopt=Abstract