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CBD Chocolate Review By A CBD Oil User

For several years now, I have been an enthusiastic user of CBD oil. I use it for my anxiety and sleeping problems, and I am very positive about the effects. Even so, I have been intrigued by CBD edibles for a while now. I recently decided to give the new CBD 24/7 Chocolates a go. I have had a passionate love affair with chocolate for years, with a particular fondness for chocolate with exotic African origins. The prospect of combining just that favourite type of chocolate with CBD was just too good not to try. I simply had to taste these little treats for myself. Time for a CBD chocolate review – it’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it…

The Full, Rich Taste OF World-Class Cacao

After I picked up my box of CBD 24/7 Chocolates at the post office, I had to make an effort not to rip the wrapping off before I got home. Some things just demand to be fully enjoyed right away – chocolate sure ticks that box for me… The luxury display box hinted at the special treats it contained. Thankfully, it is more than just a pretty package: its firm design ensured that all chocolates survived their journey fully intact.

Normally, I take a few drops of CBD oil three times a day. A single CBD 24/7 Chocolate Thin contains 25mg of CBD, which just about equals my regular dose. It is safe to assume that some of the CBD is lost on its journey through the digestive tract. Still, I decided to skip a dose of CBD oil and have a CBD chocolate thin instead. Let me tell you: I have made worse decisions in my life.

A chocolate thin is just that: thin. Still, a single thin packs more flavour than an entire chocolate bar from the supermarket. CBD 24/7 Chocolate carries a rich and intense taste, flooding the palate with the divine signature of dark chocolate. Virunga chocolate contains 70% cacao, and the darkest kinds of chocolate can be quite bitter to the taste. Not so for these Thins, though. The pack just enough sweet to still my desire for sweetness. Two bites are enough to devour a single chocolate thin. Obviously, that leaves me pondering the eternal chocolate question: do I take another one…? I can assure you that the second thin is just as delicious as the first. However, as with all genuine dark chocolate, the intense flavour of the 24/7 chocolates is enough to still even the deepest cravings in one go.

cbd chocolate review

Writing A CBD Chocolate Review: Meet My New Dream Job!

Almost everyone I told about it was intrigued by the notion of chocolate and CBD. It turns out that CBD is still a bit of a mystery to some people, in spite of my efforts to tell about its nature and effects. So of course, when I presented a CBD and chocolate thin to my friend, she cheerfully said: “Oh, right – so we’re gonna get high together then?” Thankfully, I had rehearsed my talk about how CBD can’t get you high often enough to tell her all over again. Yes, it’s a cannabinoid from the hemp plant, but without the psychoactive properties. What it can do, though, is exert a calming influence, help combat pain and inflammations, and many other things besides.

Anyway, my friend, my sister and my mother all loved the taste of CBD 24/7 Chocolate. They specifically liked the exceptional quality of the Virunga chocolate in the thins. Like me, my sister has been using CBD for quite some time. Interestingly, she thought she could taste a hint of the CBD in the thins. Personally, I don’t detect the faintest trace of CBD flavour – it must be a matter of taste. I just felt I ought to take her honest opinion along in my CBD and chocolate review.

When push comes to shove, there are few things I love more than chocolate. Treating myself to chocolate is a moment of pure bliss. CBD on the other hand helps me stay balanced, maintain my peace of mind, and remain true to myself. To me, combining chocolate and CBD is a stroke of pure genius. CBD oil works fine, but treating myself to a piece of CBD 24/7 Chocolate is obviously a much more rewarding option. We all look for those little moments of peace and quiet in our lives. For me, that is the main reason to step out of the rat race for a few minutes every day. I grab a CBD and chocolate thin, find the best spot on my couch, and just savour the moment. This is a moment of pure joy for me, myself and I.

Test Our CBD 24/7 Chocolates Yourself…

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